Individualized online tutoring improves ease and speed of learning and is an invaluable asset to any homeschool Latin course.
Many parents who homeschool their children choose to include Latin as part of their curriculum. A Latin homeschool course can be used as enrichment, as foreign languages are traditionally seen in public schools, or even form the basis of study for some homeschoolers.
A good Latin homeschool course will prepare students to read Latin with a specific goal in mind. Do you want your child to be able to read important religious texts? Maybe the student has a particular interest in history or the military and would like to read texts on those subjects? Perhaps your child has a love of all things literary and poetic and would like to be introduced to the rich traditions of a foreign language. If you are unsure what your specific goals are, a free consultation session can help you identify a plan for them.
For parents and students who have already invested in the materials for a Latin homeschool course, but need some guidance along the way, help is available as well. You can use your first free session to discuss where you are now, and how a live online Latin homeschool course can enhance your Latin learning experience.
Latin courses designed to prepare students for nationally recognized standardized tests in Latin are also available for homeschool students who are proficient in Latin and would like to demonstrate their skills to prospective colleges.
A homeschool Latin course that is student-centered and goal-oriented can have kids quickly reading and enjoying original texts in Latin. A regular schedule of both meeting with a teacher online and quiet study time is one key element to homeschool kids making progress in Latin. Individualized, online lessons are easy to schedule, cater to the materials you want your child to read and make sure your child is at the center of attention when learning Latin. Email for a free consultation.